Where's Maynard: Legendary Christmas


  Here's the whole twist...

Maynard Hint #1:

Maynard is generally very small. About the size of a puzzle piece knob. He often appears as a watermark. Can you find him?

Maynard Hint #2:

Maynard loves parties.  And Christmas, well it's such a holly jolly time.  With this cast of legendary characters Maynard just can't wait to sit and have tea with each one of them.  What a magical time of year. 

Can you find him?

Maynard Hint #3:

Maynard loves to give clues and let you know if you're getting warmer or colder.  In this puzzle, if you're still searching for Maynard look for something hot... you'll be getting warmer (closer to finding him).

Can you find him?

Scroll down to see Maynard revealed...






Are you done searching for him?






Ready for the reveal?







You'll find Maynard is one of the holly leaves on the warm cup of tea:

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