Where's Maynard: Danish Windmill


  Here's the whole twist...

Maynard Hint #1:

Maynard is tough to find.  He is often small and appears similar to a watermark.
Can you find him?

Maynard Hint #2:

Today, the blades of some small wind turbines are partly made from balsa wood... however, Maynard learned that old-fashioned windmills were constructed from trees such as, elm, oak, maple, pine, and fir.  Maynard realized you can obtain a good view of this Danish windmill from a tree.

Can you find Maynard?

Maynard Hint #3:

Last hint. Although ornamental trees are not traditional used to construct windmills... they do provide a nice accent to the overall appearance of one. 

Can you find him?

Scroll down to see Maynard revealed...






Are you done searching for him?






Ready for the reveal?







You'll find Maynard hanging out in the ornamental tree right beside the Danish Windmill:

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