Revealed: Winter Moose


  Here's the whole twist...


What a beautiful starry night in the forest with snowflakes in the air! Many things have gone amiss while catching a view of this majestic moose.

Were you able to find the 27 differences between the puzzle you assembled and the box image?


Winter Moose Revealed:
Refer to box art below for location of each of these changes.

  1. Red cardinal appears here (moved from location #19)
  2. New orange bird is perched on top of the evergreen tree
  3. A sleepy crescent moon hangs in the night sky
  4. Sky is filled with even more snow
  5. Yellow bird joins the scene here…
  6. along with another orange bird on this branch
  7. Large, beautiful snowy owl appears in place of the blue jay
  8. New red bird joins the gathering on the evergreen tree...
  9. as well as this red bird...
  10. along with yet another cute new bird...
  11. plus this new orange bird...
  12. and this new green bird...
  13. finally, this colorful new bird completes the gathering
  14. Moose’s scarf ends change sides!
  15. Chickadee lands on one of the moose’s antlers
  16. This pine tree moves to the left and has snow on it...
  17. revealing a cozy cabin with smoke coming out of the chimney
  18. Mom is pulling kids on a sled
  19. Red cardinal has flown away leaving this branch empty (appears in location #1)
  20. Blue jay is now here from location #7
  21. Snow covers this pine tree
  22. Adorable ermine joins the winter scene
  23. Fox also joins the scene and appears to be exploring
  24. Winter rabbit moves to this spot from location #27
  25. Another berry bush is added along the edge...
  26. and this branch is larger
  27. Another new branch appears where the winter rabbit used to be!

Need a Hint? Click Here.

Still need more help to finish the puzzle?  Prefer to view the actual puzzle image?  Click here to see the complete reveal.

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