Revealed: Minneapolis – Mill City
Here's the whole twist...
Changes for Primary Photo:
1) Minneapolis and Mill City titles swapped places.
2) People have come out onto the Stone Arch Bridge.
3) A large crane is working hard in front of the Mill City Ruins’ grain elevators.
4) A boat has just exited the St. Anthony Upper Falls Lock and Dam.
5) A yellow kayak has entered the Mississippi while the red kayak has left.
6) The Guthrie Theater marquee swapped play titles/colors.
7) A variety of lights on the buildings throughout Minneapolis have changed, including the lights atop the Carlyle Condos are all now on, and the lights turned on within a couple buildings are in the shape of an M.
8) An airplane is flying over the Mill City.
9) The smoke stack in front of the Crown Roller Mill building is smoking.
10) Minneapolis City Hall clock now shows a different time.
11) Lights at the end of the Stone Arch Bridge have changed to blue.
12) Foreground and background trees have started to change to fall colors.
Changes on Top Photos:
13) Water Park of America is mirror image of the box (flipped horizontally).
14) Uptown Theater moves to the left.
15) Murray’s Steak House moves to the left.
16) Harriet Band Shell moves to the left.
17) Weisman Art Museum moves to the right.
18) Guthrie Yellow Room image moves to the right.
19) More people have entered the Guthrie Yellow Room.
20) Grain Belt sign has attracted more birds.
Changes on Bottom Photos:
21) Image with Schmitt Music Mural moves to right.
22) Target Field image moves to left.
23) Foshay Tower image moves to the left.
24) Lights shining on the Minneapolis Institute of Art building change colors.
25) The Boom Island Lighthouse background goes from day to night.
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