Revealed: Fish Out of Water


  Here's the whole twist...


Here fishy, fishy, fishy! With such good swimmers involved, and near constant movement, it’s no wonder you will discover many things have gone amiss.

Were you able to find the 28 differences between the puzzle you assembled and the box image?

Fish Out of Water Revealed:

Refer to box art below for location of each of these changes.

  1. This scene switches with location #12...
  2. and two of the trees are slightly lighter in color in their new location
  3. This scene flips direction...
  4. and two new yellow trees appear (like the ones in location #26)
  5. Background color changes from green to blue...
  6. and bubbles are coming out of the fish’s mouth, replacing one tree trunk
  7. This scene switches place with location #27
  8. Top color on this fish changes to brown
  9. Sun appears in this scene...
  10. along with another fish...
  11. and the hill changes color to dark green
  12. Scene switches place with location #1, and some of the fish colors change to red
  13. Bottom color changes to light blue
  14. Background color changes to light peach
  15. Different fish appears in this scene!
  16. This scene flips direction
  17. Bottom color now matches the top
  18. This scene flips direction
  19. Oh no, a fishing line with a hook appears (no wonder his eye is so large!)
  20. Background color changes to orange
  21. Moon changes to a star
  22. Background color changes to yellow
  23. Bubbles now coming out of the fish’s mouth...
  24. and rocks appear on the bottom
  25. Two more fish are added to this scene
  26. Yellow trees are replaced with three pines and moon (similar yellow trees appear in location #4!)
  27. This scene switches place with location #7, and flips the other direction
  28. Background color on left side of the scene changes to darker blue

Were you able to find all the changes?

Need a Hint? Click Here.

Still need more help to finish the puzzle?  Prefer to view the actual puzzle image?  Click here to see the complete reveal.

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