Revealed: Crazy for Loons
Here's the whole twist...

Bright colorful backgrounds highlight these distinguished looking water birds that are expert swimmers. Shapes move, colors change and young loons appear as some things have clearly gone amiss – indeed a bit looney!
Were you able to find the 22 differences between the puzzle you assembled and the box image?
Crazy for Loons Revealed:
Refer to box art below for location of each of these changes.
- This loon has another white spot on its back.
- The background color changed.
- The dark green circle moved, changed color...
- and the white line is in front of the loon.
- A loonlet joins the scene.
- The cattails now have spikes on top.
- Another loonlet joins this scene.
- Wispy horizontal clouds appear.
- Colors changed on the leaves.
- Two lines swap (the colors switch).
- The background and lines changed colors.
- The sun changed color...
- as did the sky.
- This loon moved to location #17 (swap).
- Another loonlet joins the scene (and the lines disappear).
- This loon’s eye changed.
- Loon moved to location #14 – and an additional shape was added.
- A new shape was added to the horizon.
- Additional yellow line was added.
- The background color changed.
- This loon’s eye changed.
- Orange color was added behind one of the lines.
Were you able to find all the changes?

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Answers to LOON TRIVIA:
Sources:, (Minnesota DNR), (American bird conservancy),
Name the 5 species of loons?
Common loon, yellow-billed loon (the rarest), Pacific loon, Arctic loon (or black-throated loon), and red-throated loon
What distinguishes the common loon from others?
Its black head and bill; the striped, black-and-white ring of feathers around its neck; and the striking, checkered pattern of black-and-white feathers on its back.
Which U.S. state has the most loons?
Alaska, which has all 5 types of loons, followed by Minnesota, which has roughly 12,000 common loons. In fact, the common loon became the official state bird of Minnesota in 1961.
Why are loon’s eyes red?
The brilliant color helps attract mates and ward off other loons – their eyes become duller when not mating or defending their territory.
What is another name for the common loon?
Great northern diver or great northern loon
Why can’t loons go on land?
Their large, webbed feet are set far back on their bodies. This makes them excellent swimmers but clumsy on land where they can barely walk. Probably goes without saying that loons cannot take off from land.
How long of a runway does a loon need to take flight?
Loons need a 100- to 600- foot runway – due to their relatively heavy weight versus wing size. This is why you typically only see loons on larger lakes with enough room for takeoff.
How deep can a loon dive?
Loons have solid bones (most bones of birds are hollow and light). The extra weight helps them dive as deep as 200-250 feet.
How long can a loon stay underwater?
Up to 5 minutes!
How fast can loons fly?
Loons can fly more than 75 miles per hour. Even underwater they are reported to swim as fast of 20 miles per hour!
How long do loons live?
The typical life cycle is estimated at 20-30 years, although a 35-year-old female was banded at Seney National Wildlife Refuge (located in the eastern portion of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula). Scientists believe it will be another 5-10 years before they have an accurate estimate of the maximum number of years they can live.
What are baby loons called?
Loonlets or loon chicks. Loon chicks can swim immediately and dive about a week after birth, but often take rides on the backs of their parents to regulate body temperature.
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