Revealed: Canal Park – Duluth


  Here's the whole twist...


Lots to see and do while in Duluth. Many things have gone amiss… some very obvious, yet some subtle. Were you able to locate the 35 differences between the puzzle you assembled and the box image?




    Canal Park - Duluth Revealed:

  1. Grandma’s Marathon is off and running with seven racers already past the finish line.
  2. Umbrellas outside Grandma’s Boxcar have changed colors.
  3. An umbrella on Grandma’s patio has closed.
  4. The tall ship leaving the Duluth Harbor has come about and is headed back into the Duluth Harbor.
  5. A new tall ship has appeared in the Duluth Harbor.
  6. A few seagulls have appeared in the sky above the Duluth Harbor.
  7. The clouds in the sky have changed.
  8. Within the Duluth Harbor in the distance a new tug boat has appeared.
  9. A couple people are sitting on the rooftop of the building between the DeWitt-Seitz Marketplace and Little Angie’s Cantina and Grill.
  10. Six trees in the foreground have changed color to a bronze/orange.
  11. Twelve trees along Buchanan Street have changed to a yellowish/green.
  12. Grandma’s Boxcar ice cream flavor has changed to mint chocolate chip.
  13. Canadian geese (four) have moved slightly.
  14. Additional pigeons have landed on the lawn in front Crabby Bill’s Donut & Snack Bar Fishing Boat.
  15. There are additional windows on the building in front of the Federal Elbe.
  16. There’s a person looking out of a window on the top floor of a building off Buchanan Street.
  17. Duluth Harbor Lighthouse beacon is on.
  18. South Breakwater Light is on.
  19. Motorcycle is riding the other direction now.
  20. Cruiser in the Duluth Harbor is now in Lake Superior.
  21. An additional tall ship has entered Lake Superior.
  22. Beyond the Rear Range Light two homes have switched colors (orange/white).
  23. A line has formed outside Crabby Bill’s Donut & Snack Bar Fishing Boat.
  24. The logos on the Federal Elbe have changed positions.
  25. Father and son walking across the street headed toward Grandma’s Boxcar.
  26. There’s a pigeon eating popcorn in front of the popcorn stand.
  27. Van with satellite dish broadcasting Grandma’s Marathon has entered the scene.
  28. Three portable restrooms have been set up for the crowd (5 people currently waiting for them).
  29. There’s an additional anchor on the shore in front of the tug boat at the Maritime Museum.
  30. There are additional seagulls flying above the shore of Lake Superior (in front of the Duluth Harbor Lighthouse).
  31. Car in the lower right corner of the puzzle has changed color from orange to yellow/green.
  32. Green van in front of Little Angie’s Cantina has changed to purple.
  33. Green car on Buchanan Street has changed to orange.
  34. Orange car on Buchanan Street has changed to green.
  35. Purple car behind Grandma’s Restaurant has changed to green.

Were you able to find all the changes?

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Still need more help to finish the puzzle?  Prefer to view the actual puzzle image?  Click here to see the complete reveal.


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