Revealed: Believe


  Here's the whole twist...


 Ah, the wonder and sparkle in Santa’s eyes. Such a magical time of year. With Santa at work, you are sure to find some things that have gone amiss. Why even Teddy is glued to Santa and trying to watch his every move.

Were you able to find the 29 differences between the box cover and final puzzle image?

Believe Revealed:
Refer to box art below for location of each of these changes.

  1. Wreath now hanging above shelf on the brick wall
  2. Books change color on top shelf and string disappeared
  3. JOY blocks are now displayed
  4. Lamp is turned on (top shelf)
  5. Tree lights change from white to multi-colored
  6. Four round ball ornaments change color
  7. Santa is wearing a different pair of glasses (rims are now gold)
  8. Shutters are now open on window
  9. With shutters open, reveals a beautiful wintery scene
  10. Wall color changed from beige to blue
  11. Teddy portrait on shelf – now tilting his head the other direction
  12. Camera set on its side
  13. More Christmas books added to the bottom shelf
  14. Snowman decoration displayed on shelf
  15. Two fancier ornaments change color
  16. Santa’s tassel on his hat changed to gold
  17. Teddy’s chair changed from brown to a deep red colored wood
  18. Believe blocks are now green and red
  19. Shiny blue toy truck appears behind Santa’s boot
  20. Santa’s boot buckle changed from silver to gold
  21. The stool Santa is sitting on changed from red to green
  22. Some seams in the wood floor have changed positions
  23. Cookies are near Teddy Bear
  24. Santa’s bag now red versus green
  25. An additional bell is on the rope (3 versus 2)
  26. Rope on the bag has changed color from red to green
  27. Spinning top new near Santa’s stool
  28. Floor color changed to brown
  29. Santa’s bag is glowing brighter

Were you able to find all the changes?

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