2018 AuSM Connections Jigsaw Puzzle Competition
The 2018 AuSM Connections Jigsaw Puzzle Competition was held at the Mall of America on July 21st of 2018.

First competition had teams of 4 people racing to complete the Mall of America jigsaw puzzle by Adam Turman.
Top three finishing teams:
First Place: Los Ropecabezeros: 60:46:50
Second Place: The Puzzling Quartet MCLL: 60:56:37
Third Place: Wicker Kittens: 60:56:47

ROBOTS - Familly Team Division Jigsaw puzzle Contest
Second contest had teams of 4 and teams of 2 complete the 300 piece ROBOTS jigsaw puzzle by Steve Thomas.
Results from both contests here.
Images from contest below.